.基于dSPACE和PRBS的某电动缸模型辨识[J].电气自动化,2011,(5): |
基于dSPACE和PRBS的某电动缸模型辨识 |
The Modeling for Motor Cylinder Based on dSPACE and PRBS |
DOI: |
中文关键词: dSPACE PRBS 最小二乘 电动缸 |
英文关键词:dSPACE PRBS Least square identification method Motor cylinder |
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摘要点击次数: 2811 |
全文下载次数: 29 |
中文摘要: |
控制系统的设计和优化需要有合适的数学模型作为指导,对基于dSPACE平台系统和PRBS(伪随机二进制序列)信号的电动缸模型辨识进行了研究,着重讨论了基于dSPACE的系统搭建,PRBS信号参数的确定,基于最小二乘的模型辨识过程和基于拟合优度的模型验证,编写开发了产生PRBS信号、数据处理以及辨识的程序。结合现场试验数据,利用该方法及其对应的程序对某型电动缸进行了模型辨识,为电动缸控制系统的设计和优化提供相应的理论模型。 |
英文摘要: |
The design and optimizing of automatic control systems requires the availability of mathematical models that may adequately describe their dynamic behaviour,the dynamic modeling for motor cylinder based on dSPACE and PRBS had been studied intensively in the paper,including the building of system based on dSPACE,how to select the parameters of PRBS signal,the process of model identification and the verification of the model.In addition to these,a system identification computer program was developed as well a... |
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