唐思文, 李印龙, 杨喜军.直接功率控制的单相功率因数校正器[J].电气自动化,2014,36(1):70~72
Single phase Power Factor Corrector under Direct Power Control
中文关键词:  有源功率因数校正  双闭环控制  电压平方外环  直接功率控制  快速响应
英文关键词:active power factor corrector  double closed loop control  voltage squared outer loop  direct power control, quick response
唐思文, 李印龙, 杨喜军  
摘要点击次数: 2919
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      In the conventional single phase active power factor corrector (APFC) controlled by two closed loops, the voltage outer loop can adjust output DC voltage, while the current inner loop can adjust input current waveform. This paper presents a control strategy using direct power control, based on the voltage squared outer loop. The PI regulator is still utilized in the current inner loop so that the single phase APFC has the advantage of quick response to the changing output power. But in the case of sudden load variations, abrupt fluctuations of the input current will cause over current. Thus, damping is needed in the voltage squared outer loop and the direct power control loop to balance rapid response and stable operation. The simulation results by means of MATLAB/SIMULINK prove the above conclusions.
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