Development of Partial Discharge Transducer for XLPE Cables Based on Electromagnetic Coupling
中文关键词:  XLPE电缆  局部放电  罗戈夫斯基线圈  高频电流传感器  幅频特性  电磁耦合
英文关键词:XLPE cable  partial discharge  Rogowski coil  high frequency current transducer  amplitude-frequency characteristics  electromagnetic coupling
麦洪 广东电网佛山供电局,广东佛山 528000 
张伟忠 广东电网佛山供电局,广东佛山 528000 
张一鸣 上海交通大学电气工程系,上海 200240 
陈孝信 上海交通大学电气工程系,上海 200240 
摘要点击次数: 3135
全文下载次数: 3057
      Partial discharge is an important parameter reflecting insulation of XLPE power cables. Based on the electromagnetic coupling method, the most effective means for testing partial discharge of SLPE cables, this paper designs and develops a partial discharge transducer for SLPE cables, selects suitable materials for the magnetic core according to the characteristics of the partial discharge signal, discusses the influence of the integrating resistance and turns of the coil upon the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the current transducer through mathematical model analysis and test comparison, and determines optimal key parameters of the sensor such as integrating resistance and turns of the coil. Laboratory tests and site operation show that the developed high frequency partial discharge sensor is easy to install, has a wide working frequency band and high sensibility, and can meet the requirements on the test of partial discharge of XLPE cables.
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