田栋栋,于建斌.交流牵引电机绕组绝缘状态检测方法的研究[J].电气自动化,2017,(5):6~8, 84
Research on Detection Methods for the Insulation State of AC Traction Motor Windings
中文关键词:  铁路机务  交流牵引电机  脉冲变压器  单片机  电机检测  故障判断
英文关键词:railway locomotive  AC traction motor  pulse transformer  single-chip  motor detection  fault diagnosis
田栋栋 陕西铁路工程职业技术学院电气与信息工程系,陕西渭南 714000 
于建斌 济南铁路局,山东济南 250000 
摘要点击次数: 21391
全文下载次数: 0
      This paper aims at quick and accurate detection of locomotive traction motors by using on-board DC110V power supply in the railway locomotive department to determine and remove the fault in time to ensure smooth operation of rolling stock. Based on the study of the fault mechanism and diagnosis method of AC traction motors, this paper presents a detection method for judging the insulation state of the AC traction motor winding by using the single-chip to measure the rise time of the response current of the traction motor. Furthermore, pulse transformers are so designed as to meet the requirements of different traction motors on detection voltage. In this way, work intensity of relevant personnel is reduced in the railway locomotive department.
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