Fault Diagnosis and Analysis of Ship Engine Room Alarm and Monitoring System Based on BP Algorithm
中文关键词:  AMS  BP网络算法  模型建立  数据拟合  故障诊断  预测分析
英文关键词:AMS  BP network algorithm  model establishment  data fitting  fault diagnosis  predictive analysis
陈晓全 江苏科技大学电子信息学院,江苏镇江 212003 
高键 江苏科技大学电子信息学院,江苏镇江 212003 
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      The Engine Room Alarm and Monitoring System (AMS) plays a vital role during the entire ship operation as an important point in the field of ship control. Being the most fundamental section of the whole system, AMS data acquisition determines whether the whole system can maintain its continual stable operation. BP algorithm, as an advanced network algorithm, is widely applied to data analysis in various fields. In this paper, a BP network model is established for data fitting on the basis of the data of the integrated engine room alarm and monitoring system of a 7000-cubic meter mud barge belonging to Zhenjiang YIHUA System Integration Co., Ltd. During fault diagnosis, the BP network algorithm model is used to predict the exhaust gas temperature of the diesel engine to decide whether to replace the diesel engine with possible failures. The results show that the fitting precision of the BP algorithm meets the requirement, and the prediction accuracy is basically good enough to meet the ship requirement.
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